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Look! It's A Three Headed Monkey!

My 3December

Posted by on Jan 22, 2019 in Art & Design | No Comments
My 3December

As if Decembers aren’t busy enough, I recently I decided to take part in Sketchfabs 3December challenge. Did I make it to the end? Did I lose my mind along the way? Well let’s find out!

Random Roundup 1

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 in Art & Design | No Comments
Random Roundup 1

Oops… it’s been a while since I posted something here! Since I haven’t been working on anything big, long and blog-worthy, today I’m bringing you a small and random collection of things I’ve finished recently. So sit back and Enjoy them!

Playing with Fire

Posted by on Mar 2, 2015 in Art & Design | No Comments
Playing with Fire

Well here we are again – another month, another Unity Community Art Contest – and another blog covering the ‘When, How, Who, What and Why’ of my entry. I’m sure there’s supposed to be another ‘W’ word in that list, but I can’t think where I’ve placed it… Ok, that was bad. Sorry!

With Your Nose So Bright

Posted by on Jan 5, 2015 in Art & Design | No Comments
With Your Nose So Bright

Ho ho ho! First of all, merry christmas, happy new year and ‘insert other seasonally appropriate greetings’ – I hope that anyone reading this is having a good start to 2015, and enjoyed the holiday period. December is traditionally quite a full month and around here is no exception – with all the celebrations, gift […]

Turtle Power!

Posted by on Nov 1, 2014 in Art & Design | No Comments
Turtle Power!

For those that don’t know – and that was me up until a few weeks ago – there is a monthly Community Art Contest held over on the Unity forums. The basic premise is that a theme is set, people have a month to produce something art related that fits with the theme, and you […]

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