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New Guy in Town

Posted by on Apr 4, 2012 in Games | No Comments

New Guy in Town

Greetings chaps and chap-ettes (already regretting saying that one…), welcome to 2012 and our first news post of the year! While the rest of the world has been tucked up warm, hiding from unwanted post-xmas winterness, we’ve been hard at work bringing you an update to the wonderful City Living!

As well as a few minor performance improvements and bug fixes, the new version brings support for sexy real time shadows (Oooooohhhhhh) and even sexier new character models (Aaaaaaaahhhhh). Both are on and awesome by default, and both are featured in the above image.

Also, you may want to check out the new review of City Living (including the above features) by the brilliant guys over at AppStoreArcade.

I won’t give away too many spoilers, but it ends with a nice number and a few celebratory highfives – definitely worth the read!